Agroforestry for Multifunctional Olive Systems

Soil management is one of the main concerns of olive farmers in Lebanon.

Accordingly, a fruitful collaboration between the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, the Faculty of Agriculture of the Lebanese University (LU) and Bustan El Zeitoun within the LIVINGAGRO Project led to the establishment of a field trial to assess the effect of different soil management practices.



Executive summaries

Executive summary for a Field trial in Abdeh region (Akkar, Lebanon) (Activity 4.3.2) – Effect of soil management and different cover crops on soil characteristics, olive production and olive oil characteristics ENG |AR

Executive summary on the  Research activity based on developing a fast and inexpensive method FT-NIR Analyser – Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) Analyzer to determine olive oil quality ENG|AR

Executive summary on innovative tool for the rapid determination of the oil content in the olive paste. Time Domain – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (TD-NMR) as a useful tool for the determination of oil content in olive paste ENG | AR

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