6th edition of “Agroecologia al Centro”


@ Pisa, Italy

08:30 - UTC

Event agenda

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Open day of the Agri-Environmental Research Center "Enrico Avanzi"

The open day of the Agri-Environmental Research Center “Enrico Avanzi” titled “Diversification of Crop Systems for Sustainability and Resilience” will take place on Tuesday, May 30. It will be possible to explore, along three tracks, the role of diversification at the genetic level, at the crop species level and at the landscape level.

The event is organized in collaboration with the research teams of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agri-environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa and the Plant Science Research Center of the Sant’Anna School of Pisa on the occasion of the ASviS Festival of Sustainable Development.

Registration is required for participation. Register

Reservations must be made for the shift, the course (maximum 1 course per shift, up to a maximum of 3 shifts) and the buffet lunch. Book


First shift

Coffee Break

Second shift

Organic Buffet

Third round

Pathway 1. The role of diversification at the genetic level

Daniele Antichi, Elisa Lorenzetti, Maria Munoz, Lara Abou Chehade, Paolo Bàrberi, Luciana Angelini

CiRAA and Scuola Sant’Anna will present their genetic improvement and varietal comparison activities on the main cereal and legume crops of the Mediterranean area, including the selection of durum wheat varieties suitable for the organic method and the characterization of chickpea and lentil genetic resources.
Parcours 2. The role of diversification at the crop species level.

Camilla Moonen, Alessandro Triacca, Gabriele Nerucci, Gilbert Koskey, Daniele Antichi, Federico Leoni

The pathway will consist of three stages: the chickpea stage, the lentil stage and the clover stage.
Pathway 3. The role of diversification at the landscape level

Alberto Mantino, Stefano Carlesi, Lorenzo Tamacere, Massimo Sbrana, Giovanni Pecchioni, Daniele Antichi, Marcello Mele

Results from the ARNINO L.T.E. long-term trial, in which two crop rotations are compared in two systems: agroforestry and conventional, and from the AGROFORCES trial, in which the productivity of different herbaceous crops in intercropping with rows of managed very short-cycle poplar (Short rotation forestry) is evaluated.

General & contact info

Info and Contact:
Lucia Campenni
