In your opinion, what are the main obstacles that prevent farmers from implementing agroforestry practices?

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LIVINGAGRO ForumIn your opinion, what are the main obstacles that prevent farmers from implementing agroforestry practices?
Josep Duran asked 2 anni ago
Despite agroforestry being an ancient practice, what often prevents its practice in modern times are policies that encourage monoculture crop systems, subsidize mechanized farming, and promote the heavy use of pesticides. What do you think are the most important obstacles to implementing agroforestry practices in your countries?

4 Risposte
Lisa Rad answered 2 anni ago
In Greece, many farmers also worry about damage to trees from grazing, as well as being concerned about cost. Of course, if trees are properly pruned and the appropriate animals are used, the trees will not be damaged. And while an initial investment may be required, over time that investment can more than pay off, with an agroforestry system bringing farmers more income than a monoculture.

Maurizio Fadda answered 2 anni ago
Sono d’accordo con la precedente risposta. 

Sara Maltoni Staff answered 2 anni ago
In alcuni ambienti la scarsità di acqua può rappresentare un limite. Ma in questo la scelta delle specie è fondamentale. Utilizzare specie autoriseminanti (self.reseeding) che entrano in dormienza nei mesi estivi, per rigerminare l’autunno successivo permette di avere la protezione del suolo nei mesi piovosi, e non competere per l’acqua.

Peter Moubarak answered 2 anni ago
I agree on all the above answers. I add that the lack of know-how can be an obstacle. Farmers need to be guided to use the CONVENIENT Agroforestry system depending on each case. At the end Agroforestry is an old/new system succeeded in the Mediterranean since thousand of years. It will always succeed if well practiced. 

Ultimo aggiornamento

18 Giugno 2023, 16:21
