Agroforestry area in the EU

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LIVINGAGRO ForumCategoria: AgroforestryAgroforestry area in the EU
Josep Duran asked 2 anni ago
Did you know agroforestry occupies about 15.4 million ha in the EU which is equivalent to about 3.6% of the territorial area and 8.8% of the utilised agricultural area?
Learn more on how agroforestry is present in the EU here

2 Risposte
Albertp Mantino answered 1 anno ago
Grazie @Josep Duran @Josep Crous Duran, interessante articolo. Ho trovato questo approfondimento ( sull’area mediterranea e i sistemi silvoarabili. Gli autori concludono dicendo “The silvoarable agroforestry practices deliver enormous ecosystem services in the Mediterranean areas of Europe despite the reduced current extent that this sustainable land use system has.”

Alice Cappucci answered 1 anno ago
  Trovo questo approfondimento molto interessante e inerente alla discussione: 

Ultimo aggiornamento

16 Maggio 2023, 16:42
