Two days on Agrosilvopastoral systems in Veneto (Italy)
@ Legnaro (Italy)
10:00 - UTC
Two-day's event on the subject of agroforestry in the Veneto region
Two days on Agrosilvopastoral systems in Veneto (Italy)
Event of the University of Padua and Veneto Agricultura
31 March and 1 April 2023
Legnaro (Pd), Benedictine Court and Ceregnano (RO), “Sasse Rami” pilot and demonstration farm.
The University of Padua (DAFNAE and TESAF Departments) and Veneto Agricoltura, with the collaboration of numerous other institutions, are offering two-day’s event on the subject of agroforestry.
On 31 March (14:00-18:30) a technical focus is scheduled in Legnaro (Pd), at the Benedictine Court among stakeholders and operators in the sector. During the meeting, agroforestry principles and techniques, planning, financing and certification opportunities will be discussed.
On 1 April (9:00-12:00) there will be a field visit to the agroforestry plantations of the “Sasse Rami” pilot and demonstration farm of Veneto Agricoltura in Ceregnano (RO).
The initiative is aimed at students, researchers, freelance professionals of the sector, farmers and all stakeholders.
The event can be followed live on the Veneto Agricultura YouTube channel.
L'evento sarà interamente in italiano
Per saperne di più sull'evento: here