Ενημερωτικά δελτία
Οι εκδηλώσεις μεσιτείας (B2B) στοχεύουν στον εντοπισμό των διαθέσιμων καινοτομιών για τη αγροδασοπονία και να φέρουν όσους θα μπορούσαν να επωφεληθούν από την υιοθέτηση τέτοιων καινοτομιών σε άμεση επαφή με καινοτόμους και ερευνητές. Ο στόχος του B2B είναι επίσης να τεθούν τα θεμέλια για μελλοντικά έργα καινοτομίας, παρέχοντας την ευκαιρία σε επιχειρήσεις, ενώσεις, ερευνητικά ιδρύματα, υπεύθυνους χάραξης πολιτικής και άλλους επαγγελματίες στη γεωργία και την παραγωγή τροφίμων να συναντιούνται πιο πιο αποτελεσματικά. Τέτοιες συνδέσεις μεταξύ συμμετεχόντων και παρουσιαστών επιτρέπουν τη δημιουργία νέων επαφών και την ανταλλαγή πληροφοριών σχετικά με καινοτόμες ιδέες, μηχανήματα, τεχνικές και υπηρεσίες. Συνολικά διοργανώνονται 10 μεσιτικές εκδηλώσεις: 4 στον Λίβανο, 4 στην Ιορδανία και 2 στην Ελλάδα.

Σχετικές εκδηλώσεις

Second LIVINGAGRO B2B Event in Greece
On December 16-17, 2021, inventors and scientists introduced 19 innovations designed to help solve common problems in the Greek olive, olive oil, and livestock sectors. Dozens of participants joined presenters online or at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute in Chania (MAICh) for this LIVINGAGRO event, with several learning more in one-on-one meetings.
Coordinated by Dr. Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Director of the Department of Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology at MAICh, this hybrid event was part of the LIVINGAGRO – Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry project funded under the ENI CBC Med Programme 2014-2020. More than 130 individuals registered to participate in this second Greek LIVINGAGRO B2B event, with the majority tuning in online.
Presenters introduced 19 innovations related to five main topics:
Re-Using Traditional Practices in Agroforestry
- Clearing shrubs and sowing a mixture of grass and legumes in agrosilvopastoral systems
- Thinning and pruning trees in silvopastoral systems
- Adaptive grazing management
- Livestock grazing in olive agroforestry systems
- Olive tree, wild asparagus and free-range chicken polyculture
Intercropping and Preparing for Climate Change in Olive Groves
- Chickpea intercropping in olive groves
- Intercropping of olive trees and vetch
- Olive tree-avocado intercropping
- Grafted olive trees resistant to the effects of climate change
Precision Agriculture
- Zen Irriware precision irrigation system
- FruitFlyNet-ii automated monitoring and control system against the olive fly and Mediterranean fruit fly
- MyOliveGroveCoach multi-spectral sensing for the predictive management of Verticillium wilt in olive groves
- NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system and the LIFE GAIA Sense project
- gaiasense1 mobile app for smart farming
Olive Mill Machinery and Health Benefits
- New washing and drying system for olives in the mill
- Olive depitter/crusher adapted to remove most of the olive peel, contain no plastic or rubber parts, keep temperature stable, and more
- The Olive Predictor to predict the health benefits in olive oil before harvesting
Olive Tree and Olive Oil Authentication
- DNA-based diagnostic test to authenticate the varietal origin of olive oil
- oliveID, an image-based tool to identify olive cultivars based on a numeric analysis of size, shape, and structure
Descriptions of all 19 innovations are available in a Catalogue of Innovations in both a Greek version and an English edition. Contact information for the innovators follows each description, so those who missed the event can still get in touch with the innovators individually to find out more about innovations that interest them.
After the presentations, both online and in-person participants were invited to schedule one-on-one meetings to learn more from the innovators, allowing stakeholders to ask specific questions relevant to their own situations, and to learn more about the innovations that may be most useful to them. For example, Marianna Devetzoglou, an olive oil sommelier who works in the Exports Department at Oleosophia olive oil company, was pleased by her meetings “with scientific teams with both an academic and applied outlook, to discuss innovative applications for and beyond our olive trees, helping us deal with resource management, grove management, climate change, and more!”
The majority of the innovators at the event have already met with stakeholders for discussions about the possibility of using their innovations. Part of LIVINGAGRO’s Living Laboratories, such connections between audience members and presenters enable the establishment of new contacts and the sharing of information about innovative ideas, machinery, techniques, and services.
Rather than simply doing research in isolated labs, LIVINGAGRO partners in Italy, Lebanon, Jordan, and Greece have asked farmers, company representatives, policy makers and other stakeholders who work with olive oil and grazed woodlands for input about the types of problems they need to solve, as well as the most workable solutions. Many survey respondents indicated a desire to increase their product’s quality, improve plant health and/or soil fertility, reduce their production costs, increase the quantity produced, and reduce their use of chemical products. Innovations were identified to meet those needs as well as others.
The LIVINGAGRO project is co-financed by the European Union (90%) through the ENI CBC Med Programme 2014 – 2020 and National Resources (10%).

First LIVINGAGRO B2B Event in Greece
First LIVINGAGRO B2B Event in Greece – Post-event press release
Inspiring presentations by innovators in the olive and livestock sectors and targeted 1:1 meetings promise knowledge gain and new contacts.
This match-making event brings together innovators with Greek farmers and professionals working in the olive oil, olive, or grazed woodlands sectors who seek help addressing the challenges they face.
Part of the ENI CBC Med EU-funded project called LIVINGAGRO, http://www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/livingagro these free online presentations and meetings will take place in Greek in a dedicated area and will be arranged in advance by means of this website. Greek inventors, scientists, and entrepreneurs will briefly introduce a wide range of innovations.
Topics addressed?
- Intercropping in Olive Groves
- Precision Agriculture
- Machinery
- Health Benefit Determination
- Olive Tree and Olive Oil Authentication
- Preparation for Climate Change
- Re-using Traditional Practices in Agroforestry
How can we get involved?
Farmers, millers, olive oil producers and bottlers, livestock breeders, distributors, nursery owners, lab technicians, territory managers, agronomists, wholesalers, olive oil company representatives, cooperative members, policy makers, and other interested individuals may register for the free online presentations and discussions with innovators.
While other project partners are working from their bases in Italy, Lebanon, and Jordan, the Greek part of the team is based at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) . For those unable to attend the July meetings, there will be additional presentations in Chania at a later date, most likely in a face-to-face format (conditions and regulations permitting). For more information, please email panagiot@maich.gr or call 28210 35030.
This B2B event was made possible by LIVINGAGRO, a project funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020. http://www.enicbcmed.eu/
Τι είναι το LIVINGAGRO;
“LIVINGAGRO – Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry” is an EU-funded project that is dedicated to bringing together innovators and stakeholders for mutually beneficial collaborations based on living labs in two areas: multifunctional olive systems and grazed woodlands. These living labs involve closer collaboration between researchers and economic stakeholders, including Greek olive farmers, livestock breeders, and others in the olive, meat, and dairy sectors, than traditional projects.
What are LIVINGAGRO project partners doing?
Rather than simply doing research in isolated labs, scientists are asking farmers, company representatives, policy makers, and other stakeholders for input about the types of problems they need to solve, as well as the most workable solutions.
LIVINGAGRO team members have surveyed numerous stakeholders who work with olive oil and grazed woodlands to determine their needs. Many survey respondents indicated a desire to increase their product’s quality, improve plant health and/or soil fertility, reduce their production costs, increase the quantity produced, and reduce their use of chemical products. Innovations have been identified that can meet those needs as well as others. Later this month, innovators will be presenting potential solutions to challenges to interested members of the public, as well as inviting more comments about stakeholders’ needs.

Second B2B event in Jordan on Grazed Woodlands
Event registration
Click to register:
In-person | Online
In order to attend to this event, you must be registered on the LivingAgro ICT platform (this website) and logged in: click to LOGIN.
If you do not know if you are registered on the LivingAgro ICT platform or forgot your password, please click recover your password.
You can register on the LivingAgro ICT plaftorm directly on the event registration form (on the pages linked above) by choosing a password.
For questions about registration, please contact: events@livingagrolab.eu
Catalogue of innovation | EN/AR
Press releases | PR1 | AR | EN | PR2 | AR | EN| PR3 | AR | EN
The National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), το Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) and the whole LIVINGAGRO Consortium are pleased to announce the organization of the Second B2B event in Jordan on Grazed Woodlands in Amman – Jordan.
The B2B Event offers a singular opportunity to draw attention to the expanding socioeconomic significance of agroforestry in grazed woodlands, share cutting-edge technology, kick off cross-border collaborations, and identify new business partners for nations in the Mediterranean region. Economic stakeholders, decision-makers, and research stakeholders involved in agroforestry are invited to the event.
The initiative is a great opportunity for stakeholders to learn about new advancements in the industry and for innovators to share their most recent agroforestry-related research and trial efforts. The event will emphasize the most practical high-tech solutions to maximize profitability, sustainability, and biodiversity while taking into account limited resources and environmental constraints. It will also identify the challenges that economic stakeholders and operators of the grazed woodlands sector are facing.
The event will feature a distinguished panel of speakers, an open discussion moderated by a facilitator, and the chance for participants to request one-on-one business meetings with innovators and LIVINGAGRO Consortium representatives to ask questions, get clarifications, and suggest holding more in-depth discussions with experts.
Who is it addressed to?
The B2B event is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders, including:
Universities and Research Centers
Local governments and government agencies
Farmers, Cooperatives, and Associations
Consultants and private companies
Why participate?
Meet providers of innovative technologies and discover how these can improve agroforestry businesses
Enter into contact with potential partners for future cooperation
Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships
Find new partners for research projects
How to participate?
To attend the event, in presence or online, you must first register using the online form on this page. Please keep in mind that due to limited space for the in-presence participation, we encourage you to complete and submit the form by March 10th, 2023. You will be contacted via email to confirm your attendance.

Second B2B event in Jordan on Multifunctional Olive Systems
Catalogue of innovation | EN/AR
Press releases | PR1 | AR | EN | PR2 | AR | EN | PR3 | AR | EN
The National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), το Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) and the whole LIVINGAGRO Consortium are pleased to announce the organization of the Second B2B event in Jordan on Multifunctional Olive Systems in Amman – Jordan.
The B2B Event offers a singular opportunity to draw attention to the expanding socioeconomic significance of agroforestry in olive groves, share cutting-edge technology, kick off cross-border collaborations, and identify new business partners for nations in the Mediterranean region. Economic stakeholders, decision-makers, and research stakeholders involved in the olive and olive oil sector are invited to the event.
The initiative is a great opportunity for stakeholders to learn about new advancements in the industry and for innovators to share their most recent agroforestry-related research and trial efforts. The event will emphasize the most practical high-tech solutions to maximize profitability, sustainability, and biodiversity while taking into account limited resources and environmental constraints. It will also identify the challenges that economic stakeholders and operators of the olive oil sector are facing.
The event will feature a distinguished panel of speakers, an open discussion moderated by a facilitator, and the chance for participants to request one-on-one business meetings with innovators and LIVINGAGRO Consortium representatives to ask questions, get clarifications, and suggest holding more in-depth discussions with experts.
Who is it addressed to?
The B2B event is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders, including:
Universities and Research Centers;
Local governments and government agencies;
Farmers, Cooperatives, and Associations;
Consultants and private companies.
Why participate?
Meet providers of innovative technologies and discover how these can improve agroforestry businesses in olive groves;
Enter into contact with potential partners for future cooperation;
Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships;
Find new partners for research projects.
How to participate?
To attend the event, in presence or online, you must first register using the online form on this page. Please keep in mind that due to limited space for the in-presence participation, we encourage you to complete and submit the form by March 9th, 2023. You will be contacted via email to confirm your attendance.

Third B2B event on Multifunctional Olive Systems in Beirut – Lebanon
Flyer: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Poster: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
First press release: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Second press release: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Third press release: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Περίληψη των κυριότερων σημείων Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
The Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), the Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) and the whole LIVINGAGRO Consortium are pleased to announce the organization of the Third B2B event on Multifunctional Olive Systems in Beirut – Lebanon.
The B2B Event offers a singular opportunity to draw attention to the expanding socioeconomic significance of agroforestry in olive groves, share cutting-edge technology, kick off cross-border collaborations, and identify new business partners for nations in the Mediterranean region. Economic stakeholders, decision-makers, and research stakeholders involved in the olive and olive oil sector are invited to the event.
The initiative is a great opportunity for stakeholders to learn about new advancements in the industry and for innovators to share their most recent agroforestry-related research and trial efforts. The event will emphasize the most practical high-tech solutions to maximize profitability, sustainability, and biodiversity while taking into account limited resources and environmental constraints. It will also identify the challenges that economic stakeholders and operators of the olive oil sector are facing.
The event will feature a distinguished panel of speakers, an open discussion moderated by a facilitator, and the chance for participants to request one-on-one business meetings with innovators and LIVINGAGRO Consortium representatives to ask questions, get clarifications, and suggest holding more in-depth discussions with experts.
Who is it addressed to?
The B2B event is aimed at a wide range of stakeholders, including:
- Universities and Research Centers;
- Local governments and government agencies;
- Farmers, Cooperatives, and Associations;
- Consultants and private companies.
Why participate?
Meet providers of innovative technologies and discover how these can improve agroforestry businesses in olive groves
Enter into contact with potential partners for future cooperation
Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships
Find new partners for research projects
How to participate?
To attend the event, in presence or online, you must first register using the online form on this page. Please keep in mind that due to limited space for the in-presence participation, we encourage you to complete and submit the form by February 13th, 2023.
You will be contacted via email to confirm your attendance.

Brokerage Event to foster innovation in Grazed Woodlands
The National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), το Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) and the whole LIVINGAGRO Consortium are pleased to announce the organization of the first Brokerage Event to foster innovation in Grazed Woodlands in Amman – Jordan.
The Brokerage Event represents a unique occasion to highlight the growing socio-economic role of agroforestry in grazed woodlands and share innovative technologies, initiate cross border co-operations and find new business partners for countries around the Mediterranean basin. The event is addressed to economic stakeholders, decision makers and research stakeholders interested in agroforestry issues, especially in the field of grazed woodlands.
The initiative is a great opportunity on one hand for stakeholders to discover new innovations in this field and on the other hand for innovators to present their latest research and experimentation projects related to agroforestry. The event will focus on highlighting the state-of-the-art innovations, identifying the challenges that economic stakeholders and operators of the grazed woodlands sector are facing, and underlining the most workable high-tech solutions to maximize profitability, sustainability and biodiversity considering limited resources and environmental constraints.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in roundtables, discussions, and one-on-one meetings with a professional panel of acclaimed guest speakers and will be able to choose between participating online or in person for an efficient time management.
National Agricultural Research Center (NARC): Link | Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.):
Why participate
- Meet providers of innovative technologies and discover how these can improve agroforestry businesses
- Enter into contact with potential partners for future cooperation
- Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships
- Find new partners for research projects
Book your online meeting
For those who will not be able to travel, it is offered the possibility to book, through the registration form, an online 1:1 meeting that will take place during the matchmaking session from 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM.
As soon as the innovators’ list will be available, you’ll get an email to choose who you want to talk to and have the opportunity to meet the creators which will be presenting their innovations.
The 1:1 meetings will take place on Zoom platform and will last about 10 minutes each.
Catalogue of innovations Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Press release 3: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Press release 2: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Press release 1: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Agenda in Arabic | Agenda in English
Poster in Arabic| Poster in English

Brokerage event to foster innovation in Multifunctional Olive Systems
Catalogue of innovations Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Press release 3: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Press release 2: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Press release 1: Αραβικά | Αγγλικά
Online event registration | In-presence event registration
Agenda in Arabic | Agenda in English
Poster in Arabic | Poster in English
The National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), το Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.) and the LIVINGAGRO Consortium are pleased to announce the organization of the Brokerage Event to foster innovation in Multifunctional Olive Systems in Amman – Jordan.
The Brokerage Event represents a unique occasion to highlight the growing socio-economic role of agroforestry in olive groves andshare innovative technologies, initiate cross border co-operations, and find new business partners for countries around the Mediterranean basin. The event is addressed to economic stakeholders, decision makers and research stakeholders involved with the olive and olive oil sector.
The initiative is a great opportunity on one hand for stakeholders from the olive and olive oil sector to discover new innovations in this field and on the other hand for innovators to present their latest research and experimentation projects. The event will focus on highlighting the state-of-the-art innovations, identifying the challenges that economic stakeholders and operators of the olive and olive oil sector are facing, and underlining the most workable high-tech solutions to maximize profitability, sustainability and biodiversity considering limited resources and environmental constraints.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in roundtables, discussions, and one-on-one meetings with a professional panel of acclaimed guest speakers and will be able to choose between participating online or in person for an efficient time management.
Why participate
- Meet providers of innovative technologies and discover how these can improve agroforestry businesses
- Enter into contact with potential partners for future cooperation
- Establish cross-border contacts for long-term business relationships
- Find new partners for research projects
Book your online meeting
For those who will not be able to travel, it is offered the possibility to book, through the registration form, an online 1:1 meeting that will take place during the matchmaking session from 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM.
As soon as the innovators’ list will be available, you’ll get an email to choose who you want to talk to and have the opportunity to meet the creators which will be presenting their innovations.
The 1:1 meetings will take place on Zoom platform and will last about 10 minutes each.

Second B2B Event on Multifunctional Olive Systems in Lebanon
The Mediterranean region leads the world in olive and olive oil production and consumption. However, the increasing demand for olives and olive oil requires the expansion of growing areas and an increase in production. Accordingly, new technologies and innovative production systems are becoming essential.
In order to provide additional support for stakeholders in the olive sector after the first successful B2B event held by the LIVINGAGRO Project consortium in July, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICH) and the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) are organizing a second B2B event in Lebanon on November 15, 2022.
During this second event, experts from Italy, Greece and Lebanon will present their work on many innovations related to agroforestry in olive growing and olive oil production, sharing their expertise with many stakeholders.
Economic stakeholders, decision makers and research stakeholders involved with the olive and olive oil sector are invited to participate in the event, which will be divided into two parts. The morning session will be dedicated to presenting innovations from several Mediterranean countries, while the afternoon session is reserved for roundtables aiming to deepen the discussions among innovators and stakeholders. Stakeholders will also have the opportunity to meet with each of the innovators in one-to-one meetings to discuss the problems they are facing and their needs for innovations to improve the productivity of their orchards and the quality of their production.
The Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry (LIVINGAGRO) Project is funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC Med Programme and implemented in Italy, Greece, Lebanon and Jordan. The project aims to support education, research and development, innovation, and technology transfer, including sharing research results, by establishing two Living Labs, one for multifunctional olive systems (Living Lab 1) and the other for grazed woodlands (Living Lab 2). This B2B event is part of Living Lab 1.

Innovations for grazed woodlands
The B2B Event – Innovations for grazed woodlands is planned in the framework of the Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry (LIVINGAGRO) project, funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC Med Programme and organized by the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) in collaboration with the Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (FoReSTAS). The main aim of the event is to support education, research and development, innovation, technology transfer, and publishing and marketing research results.
Farmers, entrepreneurs, local administrators, researchers, private companies, policy makers and multiple stakeholders interested in agroforestry issues, especially in the field of grazed woodlands, will have the opportunity to participate, whether onsite or online, in a series of discussions, round tables and one-on-one meetings highlighting the latest scientific research and implementing state-of-the-art innovations related to grazed woodlands that contributes to the development of the sector.
With its open innovation approach, LIVINGAGRO project will help different stakeholders during this one-day B2B event in identifying the types of problems facing this sector, as well as underlining and co-designing the most workable technological solutions that maximize the ecosystem functionality of the grazed forest and enhance the many aspects and resources that agroforestry in grazed woodland can provide.
Event Programme
During the morning session, a professional panel of acclaimed guest speakers, including representatives from LARI, LIVINGAGRO consortium and other research institutions, will be sharing insights on different topics and innovations related to agroforestry in order to help stakeholders to increase profitability, sustainability, and biodiversity in the face of limited resources and environmental constraints. These discussion sessions will tackle issues regarding adaptive grazing management, reconciling grazing with trees, mixtures for quality pasture, shade tolerant species, remote sensing techniques to monitor oak forests, thinning and pruning trees in silvopastoral systems, land imprinter for rangelands rehabilitation coupled with rangeland species seeder and, hydroponic fodder system.
In the afternoon, all attendees are invited to participate in an open discussion during two round table sessions on grazed woodlands and forest management as well as to schedule a one-to-one meeting with the aim of getting more information about the innovations of greatest interest with one of the guest speakers of the event.

Εκδήλωση B2B - Πολυλειτουργικά Συστήματα Ελιάς
Μια εκδήλωση B2B για τον τομέα της ελιάς και του ελαιολάδου στον Λίβανο, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της παρουσίασης των πιο πρόσφατων καινοτομιών για την αύξηση της παραγωγής και τη μείωση του κόστους
The Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), within the Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry (LIVINGAGRO) Project funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC Med Programme and implemented in Italy, Lebanon, Greece and Jordan, organize a B2B event on the olive and olive oil sector in Lebanon with the aim of supporting education, research and development, innovation, technology transfer, and publishing and marketing research results. The event will be held on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at the Smallville Hotel, Badaro-Beirut.
The project aims to establish two cross-border living laboratories, and to enhance cooperation between research institutions, farmers and their associations, industries, the private sector and all users in general. The project focuses mainly on agroforestry, taking into consideration multifunctional olive growing systems (Living Lab 1) and grazed woodlands (Living Lab 2).
During this event, a list of available innovations will be presented, and ways to implement them in olive orchards and in the olive and olive oil sector will be discussed.
The event also aims to highlight the latest scientific research related to multifunctional olive systems that contributes to the development of the sector, and to encourage cooperatives and agricultural institutions to adopt new agricultural practices and cooperate with each other.
This event will help set up the necessary bases to start implementing state-of-the-art innovations by providing the opportunity to invest in business and opening new horizons for associations among research centers, agricultural policy makers and other interested stakeholders in agriculture and food production.
The participation of stakeholders in this workshop can lead to wide-ranging cooperation and thus can help impel the olive and olive oil sector in Lebanon toward a different level based on reducing production costs, improving quality and increasing financial returns.
Available streaming channels :
https://youtu.be/juBgL_oO8EU (Arabic)
https://youtu.be/ck7aVaS5JRM (English & Arabic)

First B2B Brokerage event to foster innovation in the Agroforestry field of Multifunctional Olive Systems in Lebanon
(Activity 4.1.1)
The first B2B event related to Multifunctional Olive Systems (LL1) was organized by the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) with the support of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) at the SmallVille Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon on 21th July, 2022.
The objectives of the B2B event included:
– Connecting innovators with stakeholders in the olive sector to work on solutions for their problems;
– Matching demands/requests for innovations;
– Releasing and disseminating of a catalogue of available innovations;
– Introducing innovations in the olive, olive oil and agroforestry sectors to producers, cooperatives,
agricultural enterprises, company representatives, millers, and other interested stakeholders;
– Laying the foundations for future innovation projects by providing an opportunity to meet for
businesses, associations, research institutions, policy makers and other professionals in agriculture
and food production;
– Allowing the establishment of new contacts and the sharing of information on innovative ideas,
machinery, techniques and services.