المختبرات الحية عبر الحدود للزراعة الحرجية

Outcomes of NARC’s experiments on legume cover crops and ancient olive trees for LL1

العودة إلى الحدث

Registration form to online event

تغيير اللغة
9 out of 30 filled

بإرسال هذا النموذج ، فإنك تؤكد أنك قد قرأت وفهمت سياسة الخصوصية, you agree that we may record the workshop and publish the recording, you agree that we will share screenshots from the workshop in project reports, with the media, and on the internet, and you agree that we will create access to the LIVINGAGRO ICT Platform for you. (If you do not wish to have your image or name included in a recording or screenshot, you will turn off your camera and use an alias.)
العودة إلى الحدث