المختبرات الحية عبر الحدود للزراعة الحرجية

Study day dedicated to Agroforestry in Tuscany (Italy)

Field Visits

@ Paganico (Italy)

10:00 - UTC
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Study day dedicated to Agroforestry in Tuscany (Italy)

Agroforestry is the set of agricultural systems that envisage the cultivation of trees in association with arable land and/or pastures in the same surface unit. It was a widespread practice in the past that, in recent years, is spreading again due to its greater environmental, social and economic sustainability compared to traditional agriculture. Among the main benefits are increased productivity, diversification of production, increased biodiversity, reduced soil erosion, greenhouse gas sequestration, improved microclimate, enhanced landscape, and increased employment on a local scale. Recently, the NEWTON – NEtWork project for agroforestry in TOscaNa, financed by the PSR sub-measure 1.1 and 1.2 of the Region of Tuscany, has studied 2 particularly interesting silvopastoral systems, the Paganico Estate (GR): grazed cerreta (Turkey) and the Pietratonda Estate: grazed cork oak forest (GR).

The event will be entirely in Italian

For more information contact: sara.bergante@crea.gov.it

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