المختبرات الحية عبر الحدود للزراعة الحرجية

Field visit N.2 to Darbechtar Cooperative

Field Visits

@ Darbechtar Cooperative, Koura District, Lebanon

10:00 - UTC

وسم الحدث

(Activity 3.4.1)

ملخص تنفيذي EN | AR

The LIVINGAGRO team conducted the second field visit in Lebanon to Darbechtar cooperative
in Koura district on the 4 th of November, 2021.
Researchers and engineers from LARI in addition to eight farmers from the region, participated
in the visit. The day began at the cooperative, where the participants were introduced to the
LIVINGAGRO project: its background, objectives, activities, and expected results. Then,
LIVINGAGRO team assessed the specific needs of innovations for developing the cooperative by
improving soil fertility and working conditions for obtaining good quality olive and olive oil.
Moreover, the team intended to help the farmers in solving some specific problems such as the
high production cost due to traditional practices such as high use of chemicals (fertilizers,
pesticides and herbicides), manual harvesting, soil erosion and poor soil fertility. Afterwards, all
the participants visited one of the Darbechtar cooperative fields owned by Charbel Bou Ghosn.
This orchard was used as a demonstrative field for planting innovative legumes-based mixtures
within the framework of the LIVINGAGRO project. Finally, participants shared interesting opinions
about the olive and olive oil sector in Lebanon, developed their knowledge regarding the
agroforestry and the living labs concept, satisfied their needs for innovations and were
encouraged to participate in future events of the project where innovators will transfer ready to
use innovations for the interested stakeholders.
