المختبرات الحية عبر الحدود للزراعة الحرجية

International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Contest


@ Beja (Portugal)

10:00 - 20:00 UTC

The 12th edition of the International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Contest organized by Ovibeja

In the 12th edition, the International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Contest – CA Ovibeja Prize, with the exclusive support of Crédito Agrícola, positioned as the 1st best in the world along with the prestigious “Mario Solinas”, works as a stimulus for the culture of Portuguese olive oils. Competitiveness and Internationalization stand out among the challenges that open the way for new markets. The results of the competition, which is already in the 11th edition, have revealed high quality olive oil participations from the most varied geographies in the world, which contributes to enrich the contest and its purposes.

The Competition is organized by ACOS – Associação de Agricultores do Sul, em colaboração com a Casa do Azeite – Associação do Azeite de Portugal.

Know more on the contest هنا


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