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Let’s play with Agroforestry! #18

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المنتدى LIVINGAGROتصنيف: QuestionsLet’s play with Agroforestry! #18
Alice Cappucci طرحت منذ سنة واحدة
The protein content of the leaves of some trees can reach 15%

  1. نعم
  2. لا
  3. I don’t know

4 الإجابات
Matteo Finocchi answered سنة واحدة

Si, ad esempio il pioppo che può raggiungere anche il 16% di proteine ​​così come alcune specie di Querce. 

Alice Ripamonti answered سنة واحدة
Non saprei, 15% mi sembra tanto

Alice Cappucci answered سنة واحدة
Thank you for answering! The number 1 is the right one!

Last update

31 يوليو 2023, 14:38
